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Active Directory (6)


Real DOS-Mode Patch for Windows Millennium (Added: 10-Dec-2000) [Rate It]
RegCleaner FREE (Added: 26-Mar-2002) [Rate It]
Registry Cleaner - Download the FREEWARE RegCleaner. This works very well - (Added: 2-Dec-2003) [Rate It]
Simtel.Net - - A worldwide distribution network for Shareware, Freeware, and Public Domain software - Windows 95/98, Windows 3.x and MS-DOS - (Added: 21-Nov-2001) [Rate It]
SIW | System Information for Windows - by Gabriel Topala _ SIW is an advanced System Information for Windows tool that gathers detailed information about your system properties and settings and displays it in an extremely comprehensible manner. - (Added: 31-Jul-2009) [Rate It]
SmartFTP - Freeware FTP Client - (Added: 17-May-2002) [Rate It]
SPAMfighter - Block spam from your Outlook inbox now!
The most efficient antispam tool on the net for free. -
(Added: 18-Nov-2003) [Rate It]
StationRipper - will allow you to "record" various internet radio stations.
It will allow you to get a list of available Shoutcast stations and start
recording them, creating a single MP3 file for each song the station plays -
(Added: 14-May-2004) [Rate It]
Sysinternals Freeware - web site provides you with advanced utilities, technical information, and source code related to Windows NT/2000/XP/2K3 and Windows 9x, Windows Me internals that you won't find anywhere else. - (Added: 14-Dec-2005) [Rate It]
Tech-Net for Windows XP, etc - Tech-Net for XP and other MS OS's and things - (Added: 10-Nov-2001) [Rate It]
That Computer Guy and His Wife - is here in central Wisconsin to help you with your computer repair
and technical support isssues -
(Added: 25-Dec-2002) [Rate It]
ThatIP Dynamic DNS - Winip by Algenta Technologies - (Added: 16-Jun-2003) [Rate It]

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When shit becomes valuable, the poor will be born without assholes.
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