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Mandrake Linux - Friendly Linux operating system for both servers and desktop - (Added: 22-Nov-2002) [Rate It] - is a modular GNU/Linux livecd-enabled distribution (you burn the CD, you put it in your CD-Rom drive, you boot and it works - (Added: 17-Nov-2004) [Rate It]
Nvu - - The Complete Web Authoring System for Linux - (Added: 20-Jun-2004) [Rate It]
The Apache Software Foundation - Apache Web Servers - (Added: 3-Oct-2000) [Rate It]
Unix Support - Tips, Articles, Skills Tests - (Added: 26-Oct-2000) [Rate It]
USB Knoppix 5.1.1 install | Pen Drive Linux (Added: 22-May-2007) [Rate It]
VMware, Inc. - software virtualizes computing from the desktop to the data center - (Added: 12-Feb-2002) [Rate It]
Xbox-Linux - aims to provide a version of GNU/Linux for the Xbox - (Added: 12-Sep-2002) [Rate It]

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