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Free Webmaster Tools - Free web tools including webmaster tools. - (Added: 26-Mar-2009) [Rate It] - is an easy-to-use online professional site designer tool which requires No HTML Knowledge - (Added: 4-Jan-2005) [Rate It]
FreeSticky - is Content & Webmaster Tools for Web Sites ! - (Added: 15-May-2006) [Rate It]
Freewarejava - Java applets, tutorials, references, books, and more! - (Added: 13-Aug-2000) [Rate It] - Free Graphical User Interfaces - (Added: 5-Nov-2003) [Rate It] - is meant for both the novice and experienced web page developer - (Added: 8-Feb-2003) [Rate It]
Hermit Web Page Utilities - Optimize your code with these apps. - (Added: 11-Dec-2004) [Rate It]
HTML Entities (Added: 18-Jun-2004) [Rate It]
HTML_Color_Chart - Safe color chart for Web pages. - (Added: 12-Aug-2000) [Rate It]
Indian web designers directory - Widely used resource for leading Indian web
design companies and freelance web designers.. -
(Added: 7-Feb-2005) [Rate It]
InteractiveTools - - Web Content Management Software Systems - (Added: 6-Feb-2004) [Rate It]
JavaScript - The complete gate - JavaScript gateway to the Internet;learn here the language fundamental
with a lot of examples,forum, games, tools, books & FAQ in JavaScript and a lot more... -
(Added: 12-Jan-2002) [Rate It]

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