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amAze - Free GPS Navigation for your mobile phone! - (Added: 29-Aug-2009) [Rate It]
Android And Windows Mobile Apps - android and windows mobile applications and games. - (Added: 11-Jan-2011) [Rate It]
Android Market - Home - Android Apps, Games - (Added: 8-Feb-2011) [Rate It]
AndroLib - Find all the applications and games available in the Android Market for your Android Phone, Droid, Galaxy S etc... - (Added: 11-Jan-2011) [Rate It] - I hope you find my site interesting, maybe even useful. - (Added: 17-Dec-2005) [Rate It] - is the worlds largest Treo user community! - (Added: 19-Dec-2005) [Rate It]
Nokia And Symbian Freaks - The premier place for symbian users, supported with the No. one smart phone - (Added: 8-Aug-2006) [Rate It]
RemoteTracker - a security system allowing you to control your Windows Mobile 5 or 6 based devices remotely, using any other mobile phone, sending SMS formatted messages. - (Added: 27-May-2010) [Rate It]
Samsung Impression Forum - Samsung Impression Forum - (Added: 29-Aug-2009) [Rate It]
Simply Sellular - We pay the most for your phone! - (Added: 20-Dec-2005) [Rate It]
Windows Mobile - My Mobile - In case you lose your phone, or it is stolen - (Added: 27-May-2010) [Rate It]
xda-developers - the largest Internet community of smartphone enthusiasts and developers for the Android and Windows Mobile platforms. - (Added: 11-Jun-2010) [Rate It]

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When I give a lecture, I accept that people look at their watches, but what I do not tolerate is when they look at it and raise it to their ear to find out if it stopped.
~Marcel Achard ~
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