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CGI-SSI (21)
Cell Phone-WiFi (15)
Cellphone, Wi-Fi
Linux (20)
Mac (7)
PhP (23)
Web_Design-Hosting (3)
Windows (59)


64 Things Every Geek Should Know - If you consider yourself a geek, or aspire to the honor of geekhood, here's an essential checklist of must-have geek - (Added: 22-Apr-2009) [Rate It]
AA Websoft - eLearning & eTrainining - provider of web software, elearning,
custom eLearning, and online training courseware development. -
(Added: 8-Oct-2001) [Rate It]
Acon Pc Help - site was created to help the new PC user better understand their computer - (Added: 6-Sep-2002) [Rate It]
Alternatives to Windows, Mac, Linux and Software - is a new approach to finding good software. Tell us what application you want to replace and we give you great alternatives, based on user recommendations. - (Added: 26-Mar-2010) [Rate It]
AnalogX - Free software downloads, audio tools, internet utilities,
DirectX plugins,and much more! -
(Added: 15-Dec-2001) [Rate It]
AVG Anti-Virus - Very good virus program and it is free - (Added: 29-Jan-2004) [Rate It]
Best Free Desktop in Training - Free training in Window Apps (Excel, Dreamweaver,etc.) - (Added: 22-Jun-2002) [Rate It]
Beta Test - The Home of Beta Testers on the Internet! - (Added: 8-Jun-2002) [Rate It]
Bootdisk.Com - BootDisks - CDrom Files - Quality Utilities And Tools - (Added: 27-Dec-2001) [Rate It]
box network - Exploits and fixes - (Added: 19-Oct-2000) [Rate It]
Browser Tools - Flash and Pics apps. - Your Browser Will Love Them! - (Added: 3-Aug-2005) [Rate It]
C-Net DownLoads - downloads from C-Net - (Added: 12-Aug-2000) [Rate It]

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~Lily Tomlin ~
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