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Lotus Cars USA (Added: 13-Aug-2000) [Rate It]
Mercedes Parts OEM - New and Used, Mercedes Benz Auto Repair Manuals, and Do It Yourself Kits - (Added: 7-Aug-2003) [Rate It]
MOTORCARFINANCE.COM - here to make sure you have a
good time purchasing and owning your next car or truck -
(Added: 22-Jun-2004) [Rate It]
MSN CarPoint - Home (Added: 13-Aug-2000) [Rate It] - The World's Most-Quoted Authority on Radar Detectors and Speed Trap Technology - (Added: 26-Apr-2002) [Rate It]
Wheels America Wheel - Repair Home Page - (Added: 20-Jan-2003) [Rate It]

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Why is that when you transport something by car, it's called shipment but when you transport something by ship it's called cargo?
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