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NStorm - Humorous computer things - (Added: 23-Dec-2000) [Rate It]
oprah - info about oprah's show - (Added: 27-Dec-2002) [Rate It]
Overdosed America - Dr. John Abramson, M.D. is an award-winning family doctor, on the clinical faculty at Harvard Medical School, and author of the book "Overdosed America." - (Added: 25-Feb-2007) [Rate It]
Palisades Amusement Park Historical Society - The definitive encyclopedia about our favorite amusement park, newly revised. - (Added: 6-Jun-2010) [Rate It]
Pirated Sites!! Aaarrgghh... (Added: 8-Aug-2002) [Rate It] (Added: 9-Oct-2000) [Rate It]
Snopes.Com - Urban Legends Reference Pages - (Added: 26-Sep-2001) [Rate It]
The Badua Family Story - A P.O.W. Story - (Added: 14-Jan-2003) [Rate It]
The Joe Cartoon Com - Home of the Frog in a Blender, Gerbil in the Microwave, Joefish,
Nanna Hooter and more humor for the twisted -
(Added: 18-Nov-2000) [Rate It]
thousands of commercial and film clips - Thousands of commercial and film clips - (Added: 2-Jan-2003) [Rate It]
Tightwad Marketing: - advertising and marketing guide for small business - (Added: 18-Aug-2004) [Rate It]
TimeTicker - and the time tickers... - (Added: 26-Aug-2001) [Rate It]

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