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All-In-One - All-In-One Internet Search - (Added: 12-Aug-2000) [Rate It]
Area Decoder - AmeriCom Long Distance - (Added: 30-Oct-2002) [Rate It] (Added: 7-Jan-2001) [Rate It]
Bibliomania - - Free Online Literature and Study Guides - (Added: 7-Oct-2004) [Rate It]
Big_Hub - The Big Hub - (Added: 12-Aug-2000) [Rate It]
Box Office Mojo - > Movie and DVD Reviews - (Added: 6-Apr-2003) [Rate It]
Campaign Finance - Money, Political Finance, Campaign Contributions - (Added: 19-Aug-2008) [Rate It]
Country Music Lyrics and Chords - (Goodwin Country Music) - (Added: 9-Jan-2001) [Rate It]
Craig's List - The Craig's list for everything - (Added: 14-Jan-2006) [Rate It]
DeletedDomains from - The ultimate source for deleted and onhold domains - (Added: 1-Sep-2003) [Rate It] (Added: 24-Feb-2003) [Rate It]
DNS Stuff: - DNS tools, DNS hosting tests, WHOIS, tracert, ping, and other network and domain name tools. - (Added: 2-Aug-2005) [Rate It]

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The last time somebody asked, "I find I can write much better with a word processor.", I replied, "They used to say the same thing about drugs."
~Roy Blount, Jr. ~
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