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AAHA Healthypet - You've reached Healthypet - (Added: 27-Aug-2000) [Rate It]
AKC - American Kennel Club - (Added: 27-Aug-2000) [Rate It]
ASPCA (Added: 13-Aug-2000) [Rate It]
Clan Duncan Shelties Shetland Sheepdog - Free Web Art - (Added: 5-May-2001) [Rate It]
Dog First Aid - How to Give First Aid to Your Dog - (Added: 6-Mar-2007) [Rate It]
Equine.Com - Find horses in the United States - (Added: 27-Sep-2002) [Rate It]
Good Dog Homepage - Agility Dogs - (Added: 30-Sep-2000) [Rate It]
Houston Sheltie Sanctuary - Sheltie Sanctuary, Houston, TX - (Added: 13-Aug-2000) [Rate It]
Jack Onofrio Dog Shows - Welcome to Jack Onofrio Dog Shows - (Added: 13-Aug-2000) [Rate It]
PETA TV -'s Spay and Neuter Spot - (Added: 29-Mar-2004) [Rate It]
Pets.Com - Home Page - (Added: 27-Aug-2000) [Rate It]
Shirleys Cat House Gifts - Specialty Gift Store in the Greater Houston, TX area devoted to the Domestic Cat! I specialize in fine gifts and
collectibles featuring Domestic Cats only -
(Added: 22-Oct-2003) [Rate It]

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